
Extension of some of the dates/deadlines

Wa have extended the submission deadline to 13 September, 2024. Correspondingly, the acceptance notification is being pushed back to 17 September, 2024.

General Information

The FerroSchool 2024 continues a successful tradition of the annual international FerroSchools, supported by IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-S). The school is organized by researchers from Electronic Ceramics Department of Jožef Stefan Institute, and will be held on November 18th – 21st, 2024, at Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

FerroSchool 2024 aims at bringing together students, postdocs and scientists at any career stage interested in ferroelectric materials. The emphasis is on educating young ferroelectricians that will continue the research and innovation development in this technologically important field. A general overview of fundamentals, materials design and processing, measurement techniques and applications of ferroelectric materials will be given through lectures by internationally-recognized academics and researchers. Scientific exchange and networking opportunities will be offered through a range of social activities including poster presentations facilitating participants to communicate on their own work with experts in the field.

Candidates are kindly invited to submit abstracts of their poster presentations (with up to 300 words, 1 page long), a short CV and a motivation letter to the Ferroschool committee via email (). The committee will review applications and send notifications of acceptance to the applicants by the end of August.

Important dates

Date Pertains to
25 August 2024 13 September 2024 Abstract submission deadline (EXTENDED!)
1 September 2024 17 September 2024 Acceptance notification (EXTENDED!)
27 September 2024 Registration deadline
18 – 21 November 2024 FerroSchool 2024

Important information


Chair: Mojca Otoničar

Co-Chairs: Danjela Kuščer, Barbara Malič


Registration fee: 390 € (including meals and events, not accommodation)

Register Here


Main lecture hall of Jožef Stefan Institute.

How to access:

Organised by